The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto

01 August, 2007

Financial Abundance Come to Me!

Okay, I admit to watching The Secret. I actually found the message to be one of value. When you take away the editing magic, the message is clear and succinct with many themes throughout all time. Our values, attitudes and thoughts play a large role in who we are. Almost all major religions mention this idea as well, however it is mostly in the framework of prayer and being humble to accept the challenge of life and God's calling.

I want to put out in the universe, the following: Financial Independence was a subject I struggled with. However, through pain and poverty, I have realized the lesson and accept Financial Abundance now in my life. I no longer dwell on the "D" work, but put my thoughts out to Financial Abundance. I have cleared out my balances, cleared out my mind and focus on how to best use my Financial Abundance to make the world a better place.

This is my intention.

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