The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto

28 December, 2008

Hanukkah Celebrations

Okay, now time for the Hanukkah post! We celebrated with family friends of my in-laws. (I really dislike the term in-law by the way....any suggestions for a better term, that doesn't sound ugly)?

The festival of lights is celebrated in our family once a year. We light the candles once, say the prayer once and eat the traditional latkes, pot roast and jelly doughnuts. If we are lucky, hubbie is off and we are able to enjoy a real family tradition. Grandad is the one who says the prayer, lights the candles with the boys on each of their menorahs and then we dig in, (literally, they dig in). No other prayers, no "let's wait until everyone is at the table", just feed yourself. (Another thing that really bothers me). However, this is how hubbie's family is, so I try to grin and let it go.

Not to be outdone, here are the photos of that evening, as my mother IN-LAW would have made sure that her side was not left out.

Mixing the grated potatoes, onions and seasonings......

Cooking the latkes in the miraculous oil for which this feast is based....

The finished product! There was much debating on how long to fry, when to put in the oven, how thick or thin and how much doneness was preferred.....

V, lighting his menorah with Grandad and the clan...

L and Grandad, lighting the menorah. L seems to be into this a bit more. He favors hubbies side in many ways and it is amazing to see the gene pool at work.

I really wanted to try my hand at making the Jelly Doughnuts, but hubbie didn't want to waste anytime that morning, so we bought. Next year though... I will try my hand possibly.

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