The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto

29 May, 2009

May Connections

This week I have enjoyed great conversation with 2 extremely wonderful friends! It was great! You know that was all I needed to feel full again. I rarely identify the need for others in my life. I have been one of those self sufficient types. However, this past month, I have felt as if there was something lacking and when I identified the source, I realized that I needed to be in touch with my friends. There is a special connection you make with a total stranger who becomes a friend.

I was able to connect with 2 amazing women in my life and listen to their struggles and triumphs. One friend lost her job, but she found her strength in the process. What a personal achievement! In light of her situation she was able to find the silver lining, talk it through, figure out an action plan and take the necessary steps to discover her new path. Deep down I know this change in her life will be a major turning point for her, but she will make it!

Another friend also had a turning point, she released a toxic relationship on her terms and took control of her life. Again, she found her strength and courage to own up to the toxins and make healthy choices. She is such a creative spirit and finally was able to find her muse.

I am blessed that both of these women found time to share their experience with me and allow me to be part of their realization process. Good friends, those who know you, love you, accept you, challenge you and support you are the best!

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