The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto

16 September, 2005


You know when there is a big event and you do all of this preparation prior to? Well we are in the throws of such an event, my son's 1st birthday, (my second child). We are having 50 people over to celebrate his first year. This is the prime opportunity to finally complete some of those house projects that never seem to get finished.

We have been cleaning, hanging pictures, rewiring, sprucing up the yard, planting, ordering, shopping etc. It is really exhausting and I wonder why we wait for a huge event to get all of these things done.

The yard looks amazing. We should have done this months ago, so we could enjoy the fruits of our labor longer. The house is so clean you could eat off the window sills! Finally we have pictures on the walls that have been sitting on the floors. Again, why were we waiting to do this?

Sometimes we all need the kick in the rear to get things completed. I hope to learn from this and not let the to do list grow for no reason. The old adage, "Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today... ", well it was right.

I realize this entry is a bit on the boring side... but for all of you who have projects hanging out there in limbo, why not complete a couple of them and enjoy the results. Life is about the enjoying the journey, not just looking down at the path you are on.

Take care world!

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