The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto

20 May, 2008


It seems I forgot to give the update on where we are going! Hubbie accepted the position with the Ritz late last week. We are headed towards the Ft. Lauderdale area this next coming month.

As I am not a fan of large water born tornadoes that tear up the coast line and produce high winds that will blow off your roof, I am a fan of job security and a destination that we can figure out to the best of our ability with a lower cost of living. My in-laws live in the area 6 months out of the year, so it will be nice to have some family around for the boys. With the lower cost of living, I may not have to work right away or just pick up a part time job. No more worries of driving in the snow, or having to pay outrageous heating bills. These are all things I am thankful for.

Now I just have to work on Trader Joes to open up a location near by!!!!

Sunny Florida, here we come!

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