The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto

09 September, 2008

Bicycle Bliss

I have been on my hubbie to ask for a bike for his birthday. The boys are getting to the great age of bicycling and I have this wonderful image of us taking family bike ride. Well finally my prayers were answered!

As we sold our second vehicle, we had a great excuse to look for an alternative form of transportation. Truthfully, he could walk to work, but having a bike would cut the commute down from 20 mins to 5 mins.

Sunday we bought the bike and Monday we took the boys out to explore our Island. There is a park system at the end of the Island with an Historical Lighthouse. We were worried about V, as his legs are so little and the peddling would be endless, but we all made it! Thinking we were out for a 5-7 mile ride round trip? Not sure, but we did it and as I would look at us on our bikes, I was so happy.

Do you know when you have this image in your head and you long for the day to make it a reality? Well yesterday was my day to see my dream come true. We made it and I look forward to many more Bicycle Blissful Days.

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