The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto

20 June, 2009

Claiming Happiness

A late night phone call this past week, brought about an interesting realization. When asked how my life was going, I pondered what to say. For the most part, my life is really good, solid, happy and fulfilling. But there was something nagging at me and when I really put my mind to it, I found the nagging culprit - misunderstandings in my friendships.

Every day, mystikman and I say to one another how lucky we are. We are blessed, we are happy and our life is good. This is the message I wanted to convey on the phone call, but it was mired in these friends issues I have been having.

This afternoon, I was watching Rick Steve's Milan on PBS. We watch PBS often and anything Italian sucks me in. I was sitting and saw how happy I was inside and decided that these friend issues are not worth dampening my mood. I let these hurt feelings and confused thoughts seep into my happiness and that needs to stop.

Today I say, I am happy, lucky, blessed and love my life. I smile, am content and know "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be
well". Jullian of Norwich

There is no need to let anything dampen my mood. Okay Jacques Pepin is on PBS... ahh the French Countryside Dining experience... Does it get any better? Gotta run!

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