The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto

30 July, 2008

New Place

We are in the middle of unpacking boxes. Remember the earlier post with a stack of cardboard boxes? Finally we are unearthing our belongings of 2 years. They are breathing fresh sea air, as are we. I admit to being happier now that my family is together, our things are in one spot and we are starting to start fresh.

Last week, however was extremely difficult, as the movers here locally were less than professional. Among many disasters was the time I went to see if they were coming off the elevator and as the door opened, 5 boxes tumbled out and on the floor. No wonder I have a list of over 15 things broken, chipped or destroyed.

I finally cooked on my stove this morning. It was filthy! Amazing on how other people percieve what clean is. It took me three times to get the stove in a condition I see fit to prepare food.

Considering it was only one week ago the movers started their two day process, we are making great progress on our place. My plan is to be finished in one week. It will be time to start living our life and finding our groove.


Ally said...

Miss you like crazy.

Ally said...

Just realized I already said that on an earlier post. Well, it's TRUE!! Jamie wants to get on an airplane and come down "tomorrow."