The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto

03 November, 2008

CNN, MSNBC, Going to bed at 1am....

Well it is the eve of our country's big day. Tomorrow a new President will be elected. Change will come to the USA. Will it be conservative change forced to go beyond their comfort zone to dig us out of their traditional values... or will it be change from a liberal desire tempered by a desire to bring the country together?

I pray my guy wins... because I think it will bring about the change this country needs and the change that will be accepted the world over. Then once tomorrow goes to bed, I may get some more shut eye. I have been staying awake watching the news channels and yes sometimes I go to Fox... why I don't know, but it is interesting to see what they are talking about. (Did anyone see the Huckabee interview with Bill Maher and Richard Dreyfuss)?

Well, in any event, I plan on going to sleep at 11 pm starting Wednesday.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I went to bed a pretty reasonable hour but I've been up since 5 - too excited to sleep.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for our candidate today but sadly I worry - even if he wins - can he dig us out of this mess...